Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Santorum and true belief

Rick Santorum continues to amaze me.  The US Republican race has been mind blowing so far but Santorum really takes the cake as being the one who is the most crazy because he really does seem to believe what he says.  I get the abortion thing.  I am pro choice but I completely understand where the pro lifers (the ones who don't murder doctors) are coming from.  The people who are against contraception, on the other hand, totally boggle my mind.  Most people don't get abortions and it is fairly easy to see an awful lot of the population fooling themselves about it because it has never affected them directly; contraception is *everywhere* being used by *everybody*.

Santorum wants to ban contraception.  Unlike his desire to ban pornography, which is crazy but at least probably not dangerous, a ban on contraception would absolutely devastate the US.  Teenage pregnancy rates would skyrocket, legal and illegal abortions would go through the roof and STDs would suddenly become a plague.  Maybe in Santorum's world people who aren't married and wanting children shouldn't have sex but looking at history there is no denying that people who aren't married and wanting children DO have sex, lots of it, and banning contraception would have hilarious and sad consequences like syphilis becoming a household word again.  Even if you don't think that world population is an issue you can't deny the enormous problems that condoms help prevent.

Of course this doesn't matter because nobody thinks that a president can get elected on a ticket of banning contraception.  Santorum is a homophobic religious nut who has managed through the arcane and disastrous politics of an entrenched two party system to get himself a worldwide platform to espouse his madness.  He hasn't, however, got much of an aim to actually win the presidency.  He is following the directives of his invisible angry man in the sky even if they lead him to utterly alienate everyone but the far religious right.  You aren't going to get swing voters (who are, for the most part, using contraception currently!) to vote for banning contraception even if you can get them to sign on for criminalizing pornography.

The argument always comes down to the government controlling sex.  Santorum thinks his contraception policies are fine because people just shouldn't have sex aside from the married heterosexual baby making kind.  And we all know that people won't do things that have potential bad consequences later on, especially when the payoff is an orgasm right now...  right?  Banning contraception is tantamount to banning sex and that just ain't gonna work.  You can tell people you are banning a lot of things for their own good and they will buy it but they are *never* going to vote for a ban on sex.

Which is why I hope desperately that Santorum wins the Republican nomination.  I want to see an election where the Obama's entire campaign is

"My opponent wants to ban sex... Guess I win?"

1 comment:

  1. You should check out "The Jimmy Dore Show". It's a podcast that I've picked up that is basically mystery science theatre 3000 for american politics. It's four comics sitting next to mikes, playing hilarious soundbites and then sounding off on them. They also do voices and have politicians "call in to the show". If you're following american politics it a REALLY entertaining way to do it. It is billed as a "leftist" show but it's american leftist which seems to be Canadian centrist. One guy from Mystery Science Theatre 3000, another former writer for the daily show etc. Try it out here:
    You can test it out here
